September 16-17, 2023:
Norsk kirkesangforbund arrange workshop in gregorian chant in Narvik church. Teacher: Henrik Ødegaard. See Kirkesangforbundet
Norsk kirkesangforbund arrange workshop in gregorian chant in Narvik church. Teacher: Henrik Ødegaard. See Kirkesangforbundet
August 26, 2023 at 11:00:
Ingrid Elisabeth Berg Tobiassen perform Henrik Ødegaard's "A solis ortus cardine" for singing, female organist. in St. Petri church, Stavanger, Norway.
Ingrid Elisabeth Berg Tobiassen perform Henrik Ødegaard's "A solis ortus cardine" for singing, female organist. in St. Petri church, Stavanger, Norway.
August 16-26, 2023:
The vocal ensemble "Oriscus" will give a series of concert named "Abendmusik" in the "Festival de Rocamadour", Dordogne, Frankrike. Every evening with a piece of Henrik Ødegaard, among other vocal compositions. See: www.rocamadourfestival.com/
The vocal ensemble "Oriscus" will give a series of concert named "Abendmusik" in the "Festival de Rocamadour", Dordogne, Frankrike. Every evening with a piece of Henrik Ødegaard, among other vocal compositions. See: www.rocamadourfestival.com/
July 5, 2023:
Organist Ghislain Gourvennec perform "Four christmas interludes" in the Lannilis church, Bretagne, France..
Organist Ghislain Gourvennec perform "Four christmas interludes" in the Lannilis church, Bretagne, France..
April 7, 2023 at 11:00:
Henrik Ødegaard's St. Matthew passion "Du smertenes mann" is performed during the Long Friday mass in Fredrikstad Cathedral, Norway.
Henrik Ødegaard's St. Matthew passion "Du smertenes mann" is performed during the Long Friday mass in Fredrikstad Cathedral, Norway.
March 24, 2023 at 19:00:
"Dolor Matris" is performed again, in Vanemuise concet hall, Tartu.
"Dolor Matris" is performed again, in Vanemuise concet hall, Tartu.
March 23, 2023 at 19:00:
The Estonian National Male Choir gives world premere til "Dolor Matris", a 45 min.-long composition with lyrics based on the hymn "Stabat Mater". The concert will take place in Estonia concert hall, Tallin. Mezzosoprano solo: Iris Oja, coductor: Mikk Üleoja. See: Eesti kontsert
The Estonian National Male Choir gives world premere til "Dolor Matris", a 45 min.-long composition with lyrics based on the hymn "Stabat Mater". The concert will take place in Estonia concert hall, Tallin. Mezzosoprano solo: Iris Oja, coductor: Mikk Üleoja. See: Eesti kontsert
January 8, 2023 at 12:30:
World premiere of "The serpent's head" for womens choir (schola cantorum) and serpent in the Baltezera Baznicai-church clopse to Riga, Latvia. Performers: Geir Davidsen, serpent and "Schola cantorum Vox Iubilantis", Conductor: Laine Tabora.
World premiere of "The serpent's head" for womens choir (schola cantorum) and serpent in the Baltezera Baznicai-church clopse to Riga, Latvia. Performers: Geir Davidsen, serpent and "Schola cantorum Vox Iubilantis", Conductor: Laine Tabora.
January 19, 2023 at 18:00:
Beginners course in singing the office in i Nes church, Gvarv, Telemark, Norway. Arranged by Kirkus. See more here! (in norwegian, bottom of page).
At 21:00: Open complis (evening prayer) for everybody, and cofee/biscuits afterwords.
Beginners course in singing the office in i Nes church, Gvarv, Telemark, Norway. Arranged by Kirkus. See more here! (in norwegian, bottom of page).
At 21:00: Open complis (evening prayer) for everybody, and cofee/biscuits afterwords.