-> Writings
WORKS: Articles/books
Diplome studies with Lasse, concrescens and Opus 42 (11 s. in norwegian)
Article in "Speltraler, lytting og humanisme" book to Lasse Thoresen, 70 years
Norsk Musikforlag A/S 2019 N.M.O. 144489
ISBN 978-82-7093-733-2
Article in "Speltraler, lytting og humanisme" book to Lasse Thoresen, 70 years
Norsk Musikforlag A/S 2019 N.M.O. 144489
ISBN 978-82-7093-733-2
Middle age motives in the compositions of Trond Kvernos (7 p. in norwegian)
In "I Sta. Cecilias tjeneste", book to Trond H. F. Kverno's 70 years birthday.
Cantando musikkforlag. 2015
ISBN 978-82-514-0819-9
"Pris Herren, for han er god" (50 pages, in norwegian)
19 psalms with music, according to The Norwergian Church Councils proposed new textbook. 2009
Det praktisk-teologiske seminars skriftserie nr. 16
ISBN 978-82-91925-14-3
Gregorian chant in Norwegian, a contradiction of terms? (11 pages, in Norwegian.)
Article in Festskrift to Ove Kristian Sundberg, Norsk musikkforlag 2007
Musica Sacra: The Daily Office 2007 (66 pages, in Norwegian.)
in collaboration with Oddmund Åvik.
A new booklet for The Daily Office for Musica Sacra ( 11 pages, in Norwegian .)
Article in the annual paper for Musica Sacra 2006
The Daily Office for St Olafs day. (210 pages, in Norwegian)
in collaboration with Oddmund Åvik and Arne Solhaug. In "The Daylight of Grace" Nådens morgenlys (The Daylight of Grace), Tapir publishing house 2005.
The sources and development of Gregorian chant ( 7 pages, in Norwegian.)
Annual paper for Musica Sacra 2004
He didnt allow your foot to be unsteady.
Article in the booklet "Pilgrimages for children and young people" (4 pages, in Norwegian ) Ung Kirkesangs forlag, 2003. ISBN 10: 82-91905-09-6
Series of articles on liturgy in the parish magazine "Helsing fra Sauherad og Nes, illustrated by Liv Andrea Mosdøl, 2000/2001 (In Norwegian):
Liturgy and cooking
Liturgy and fragrance
Liturgy and textiles
Liturgy and the body
Gregorian chant for children and young people ( 33 pages, in Norwegian)
in collaboration with Gro Siri Johansen. Ung Kirkesangs forlag, 2000.
ISBN 82-91905-06-1
The role of text in 1960s choral music (53 pages, in Norwegian.)
Special assignment for the diploma exam in composition, The Norwegian state academy of music 1990
In "I Sta. Cecilias tjeneste", book to Trond H. F. Kverno's 70 years birthday.
Cantando musikkforlag. 2015
ISBN 978-82-514-0819-9
"Pris Herren, for han er god" (50 pages, in norwegian)
19 psalms with music, according to The Norwergian Church Councils proposed new textbook. 2009
Det praktisk-teologiske seminars skriftserie nr. 16
ISBN 978-82-91925-14-3
Gregorian chant in Norwegian, a contradiction of terms? (11 pages, in Norwegian.)
Article in Festskrift to Ove Kristian Sundberg, Norsk musikkforlag 2007
Musica Sacra: The Daily Office 2007 (66 pages, in Norwegian.)
in collaboration with Oddmund Åvik.
A new booklet for The Daily Office for Musica Sacra ( 11 pages, in Norwegian .)
Article in the annual paper for Musica Sacra 2006
The Daily Office for St Olafs day. (210 pages, in Norwegian)
in collaboration with Oddmund Åvik and Arne Solhaug. In "The Daylight of Grace" Nådens morgenlys (The Daylight of Grace), Tapir publishing house 2005.
The sources and development of Gregorian chant ( 7 pages, in Norwegian.)
Annual paper for Musica Sacra 2004
He didnt allow your foot to be unsteady.
Article in the booklet "Pilgrimages for children and young people" (4 pages, in Norwegian ) Ung Kirkesangs forlag, 2003. ISBN 10: 82-91905-09-6
Series of articles on liturgy in the parish magazine "Helsing fra Sauherad og Nes, illustrated by Liv Andrea Mosdøl, 2000/2001 (In Norwegian):
Liturgy and cooking
Liturgy and fragrance
Liturgy and textiles
Liturgy and the body
Gregorian chant for children and young people ( 33 pages, in Norwegian)
in collaboration with Gro Siri Johansen. Ung Kirkesangs forlag, 2000.
ISBN 82-91905-06-1
The role of text in 1960s choral music (53 pages, in Norwegian.)
Special assignment for the diploma exam in composition, The Norwegian state academy of music 1990