Transeamus (1998)
On "Fred over jorden" (2024), Uranienborg vocal ensemble, conductor: Elisabeth Holte. 2L music store Spotify |
Nu rinder Solen op av Østerlide (2018)
On "Nu rinder solen" performed by the vocal quintet "Early Voices" www.earlyvoices Spotify |
Karislåtten (2024)
On "Trad", performed by the vocal quintet "Fauna" and the fiddler Jon Hjellum Brodal. Grong musikkproduksjon Spotify |
I denne søte juletid (2023)
Arranged for male choir and recorded on "I SIGNET JULETD" by The Norwegian Student Choral Society conducted by Marit Tøndel Bodsberg. LAVO LWD2013 LAWO store |
Music by Henrik Ødegaard (2023)
Contains: "Meditations over St. Mary Magdalene’s Feast in Nidaros", "Jesu, dulcis memoria", "O filii, o filiae" and traditional gregorian songs. The vocal ensemble Vox Clamantis conducted by Jaan-Eik Tulve ECM 2767 ECM |
Antiphona V for clarinat solo
On "Letters from quarantine", with solo clarinet pieces played by Rui Travasso. ODRCD 411 ODRAREK |
Three nights songs (2001) and Pone me ut signalicum (2015) on:
"Silence", recorded by the female choir BALTA, conducted by Mara Marnauza. Apple music |
On "For fulle seil" (2021) The Norwegian Student Choral Society Marit Tøndel Bodsberg, conductor Amazon music |
Resurrexi (Cantus I), Kyrie Lux et Origo, Victimæ paschali laudes (Cantus XIII), O filii et filiæ (Cantus XIV) and In exitu Israel (Cantus XV) on "Resurrexi", music for female choir and organ by Charles Tournemire and Henrik Ødegaard combined with gregorian chan.
Choeur grégorian de Paris, Olge Roudakova, cond. Henri Rohan, organ. Bayard musique EAN CD : 3560530862624 Spotify |
"Der dagen er nattens bror"
This oratory, composed by Henrik Ødegaard in 2002 with lyrics written by Laila Stien have now been recorded, conducted by Bjørn Andor Drage. Singers are Vokal Nord. The lyrics are inspired by interview Stien and Ødegaard made in with people in Troms and Finnmark. They are performed in kven, sami and norwegian. Euridice EUCD 113 Can be purchased here: Spotify |
"Å, for djup i Jesu kjærleik" on "Himmelborgen" with Uranienborg vokalensemble conducted by Elisabeth Holte.
2L-149-SABD Platekompaniet Spotify |

"Som den gylne sol frembryter" and "Se, hvor klarner det nu opp på jorden", two folksong arrangements for female choir on the cd "Som den gylne sol frembryter".
The Women's Choral Society of the University of Oslo (KSS), conductor: Marit Tøndel Bodsberg.
Lawo LWCD1144
The Women's Choral Society of the University of Oslo (KSS), conductor: Marit Tøndel Bodsberg.
Lawo LWCD1144

"Kvar er du, Gud? Kvar finn vi deg?" on ¨"Himmelrand" with Uranienborg vokalensemble with Inger-Lise Ulsrud, organ and Elisabeth Holte, conductor.

"Te lucis ante terminum", music from Henrik Ødegaard for male voices.
The Estonian National Male choir RAM and the vocal ensemble Vox Clamantis, Tallin, perform:
Te lucis ante terminum for male choir, schola cantorum (male voices) and two percussionists
Arise, my love for male choir and three soloists
Cantus VIB: Super flumina Babylonis for vocal ensemble
Cantus VIIb : Eructavit cor meum for vocal ensemble
Cantus VIIIB: Magnificat med antifon Montes Gelboe for vocal ensemble
Conductors: Mikk Üleoja ans Jaan-Eik Tulve
Grappa musikkforlag ACD 5087
The Estonian National Male choir RAM and the vocal ensemble Vox Clamantis, Tallin, perform:
Te lucis ante terminum for male choir, schola cantorum (male voices) and two percussionists
Arise, my love for male choir and three soloists
Cantus VIB: Super flumina Babylonis for vocal ensemble
Cantus VIIb : Eructavit cor meum for vocal ensemble
Cantus VIIIB: Magnificat med antifon Montes Gelboe for vocal ensemble
Conductors: Mikk Üleoja ans Jaan-Eik Tulve
Grappa musikkforlag ACD 5087

"Eg ser deg utfor gluggen", "I kveld er eg glad" and "Anne Knutsdotter" for vocal sextet.
The danish vocal sextet GLAS has specialised in the vocal technique of bulgarian female choirs. In this cd they perform arrangements of folk songs from the nordic countries, using their special "bulgarian skills" on the nordic material.
"Mold" GLAS03-15
Vokalselskabet GLAS
The danish vocal sextet GLAS has specialised in the vocal technique of bulgarian female choirs. In this cd they perform arrangements of folk songs from the nordic countries, using their special "bulgarian skills" on the nordic material.
"Mold" GLAS03-15
Vokalselskabet GLAS

Henrik Ødegaard: Mucis for solo voices
NORDIC VOICES, The vocal group FAUNA, Berit Solset, Berit Opheim and Aasmund
Nordstoga perform solo pieces composed by Henrik Ødegaard, accompained by
Gudrun Klakegg and Malgorzata Milewska Sundberg
Antiphona I (1996), "I fred vil eg leggja meg ned" (2001), "In the bleak midwinter" (2001/6),
"Ditt blåe vatn du" (2004), Three Blake songs (2005/6), "Såmanne og skapningane" (2009),
Ave Verum Corpus" (2010) og "Syng i stille morgenstunder" (2013)
GMP 15019
Grong musikkproduksjon
NORDIC VOICES, The vocal group FAUNA, Berit Solset, Berit Opheim and Aasmund
Nordstoga perform solo pieces composed by Henrik Ødegaard, accompained by
Gudrun Klakegg and Malgorzata Milewska Sundberg
Antiphona I (1996), "I fred vil eg leggja meg ned" (2001), "In the bleak midwinter" (2001/6),
"Ditt blåe vatn du" (2004), Three Blake songs (2005/6), "Såmanne og skapningane" (2009),
Ave Verum Corpus" (2010) og "Syng i stille morgenstunder" (2013)
GMP 15019
Grong musikkproduksjon

"Og her er guten" and "Fri" for male choir:
"Something new" LWC 1076 Christianina mannskor, Marius Skjølaas, conductor
Challenge records
"Something new" LWC 1076 Christianina mannskor, Marius Skjølaas, conductor
Challenge records

Henrik Ødegaard: Organ music Ghislain Gourvennec plays Ødegaard's production for organ in Skien church. With Telemark chamber orchestra, Telemark brass ensemble and Gudrun Klakegg, piano

Nyslått concert for two hardanger fiddles and string orchestra:
«Nostos» FBRCD-04 Telemark chamber orchestra, Lars Erik ter Jung, cond.
«Nostos» FBRCD-04 Telemark chamber orchestra, Lars Erik ter Jung, cond.

Transeamus for male choir, soprano solo and organ:
«Transeamus» NDS CD 002 The Norwegian Student Choral Society, Tone Bianca Dahl, cond.
Den norske studentersangforening
«Transeamus» NDS CD 002 The Norwegian Student Choral Society, Tone Bianca Dahl, cond.
Den norske studentersangforening

12 folksong arrangements for mixed choir
«Fryd» VOK 022004 Vestoppland chamber choir, Kjetil Almenning, cond.
Vestoppland kammerkor
«Fryd» VOK 022004 Vestoppland chamber choir, Kjetil Almenning, cond.
Vestoppland kammerkor

Stundom e' mi kjering så god"
for womens choir
Norwegian voices" CCD06 "Cantus", cond. Tove Ramlo-Ystad
for womens choir
Norwegian voices" CCD06 "Cantus", cond. Tove Ramlo-Ystad

Three gregorian antiphons, Det hev ei rose sprunge, Puer natus est, Korprosesjon for mixed choir:
«A gregorian key», Oslo philharmonic choir, Tore Erik Mohn, cond.
«A gregorian key», Oslo philharmonic choir, Tore Erik Mohn, cond.

Krist stod op av døde, Tora liti, Jesus lær du meg å bede, folksong arrangements:
«Dåm», FXCD 147, Oslo chamber choir, Grete Pedersen, cond.
Kirkelig kulturverksted
«Dåm», FXCD 147, Oslo chamber choir, Grete Pedersen, cond.
Kirkelig kulturverksted

I himmelen, folksong arrangement:
«Agnus Dei», Stavanger cathedral chamber choir, cond. Arne Hadland. Sale: [email protected]
«Agnus Dei», Stavanger cathedral chamber choir, cond. Arne Hadland. Sale: [email protected]

Te´Jondalen og fri (folkson arrangement), Telespringar (from ”5 slåtter”):
«Bergtatt», FXCD 214, Oslo chamber choir, Grete Pedersen, cond.
Kirkelig kulturverksted
«Bergtatt», FXCD 214, Oslo chamber choir, Grete Pedersen, cond.
Kirkelig kulturverksted
Mass music for young people: ”Ung Messe” VERB 97-1, Brunlanes girls choir, Kristin Sollie Schøien, cond.

Søk først Guds rike
for girls choir a cappella:
«Gloppen jentekor» Gloppen girls choir, Ellen Johanne Mjelva, cond.

Den yndigste rose, folksong arrangement:
«A Scandinavian Christmas» LRCD 1017 Choral arts Northwest, Richard Sparks, cond.

Den yndigste rose, folksong arrangement:
«En hälsing från Musikhögskolan i Piteå» JULCD 1. The chamber choir at the Conservatory of music, Piteå, Erik Westberg, cond.
Kammarkören vid høgskolan i Piteå
«En hälsing från Musikhögskolan i Piteå» JULCD 1. The chamber choir at the Conservatory of music, Piteå, Erik Westberg, cond.
Kammarkören vid høgskolan i Piteå
Nå vandrer fra hver en verdens krok, Eit barn er født i Betlehem arranged for childrens choir and instruments:
«Vinternatt» BBO501, Barnekora i Bø. Can be ordered from: [email protected]
«Vinternatt» BBO501, Barnekora i Bø. Can be ordered from: [email protected]

In die mandavit from ”Three nocturnes” for womens choir:
«Nature´s first green» Emblacd0601, the «Embla» choir, cond: Norunn Illevold Giske.

O sanctissima, Opna handa and Tre nattsanger:
"I møte med jula" SD01. Spillum damekor, cond. Inger Andsnes
CD can be ordered from: [email protected]